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How to Update the App Inventor Setup Software

If this is your first time setting up App Inventor, go to the main Setup Instructions

If you have previously been been using App Inventor on this computer, you may need to update your App Inventor Setup software.

This is required only if you are using the emulator or the USB cable. You do not need setup software if you are using just the wireless companion. To check whether you are running the latest version, visit the page MIT App Inventor 2 Connection Test,

On the Mac

Perform these steps in order:

  1. Logout, or reboot your computer. (Important!)
  2. Download the new Mac installer package
  3. Install the new software you just downloaded. Do not change the installation directory from the default that the installer picks.

On Windows

On Windows, you must install the setup software from an account that has administrator privileges in order for App Inventor to work. Installing via a non-administrator account is currently not supported.

To update the setup tools, perform these steps in order:

  1. Go to the Program Files directory and find the unistall program in the AppInventor Setup directory (installed with the previous setup software), and run uninstall.
  2. Reboot your computer. (Important!)
  3. Download the new Windows installer package.
  4. Install the new software you just downloaded. Do not change the installation directory from the default that the installer picks.
  5. Logout or Reboot your computer. (You should now see the aiStarter program running).